Hello! I'm Andrea Wan.

A New York-based data analyst who loves creating informative and engaging graphics.

Data Science

Penn State, B.S. in Data Science, Concentration: Statistical Modeling

ASA DataFest Best Visualization Award(2018 , 2019)

(Learn How to Make the App in the Gif Below)

Probability Theory Linear Programming Machine Learning Shiny App

Computer Science

Intern at Hewlett Packard (R&D)

Active Hackathon participant, Penn State Hackathon organizer

Web Developer

Python JavaScript AngularJS

Other Fun Things

Publication Responsibility: UX research, Data Collection, Data Processing
Knearem, T., Wang, X., Wan, J., Carroll, J.M. 2018. Crafting in a Community of Practice: Resource Sharing as Key in Supporting Creativity. In Proc. ACM C&C ‘19(to appear)

Learn How to Make the Shiny App Here!

InVision Prototype Creativity